WISC aims to unite West Indian immigrants and their families. The club promotes the development of WISC members in the areas of education, economic, social, and cultural endeavors. Additionally, the club fosters awareness of our cultural heritage within the community while adopting the values of our new country.
We shall serve our members, our community, and our Nations by dedicating ourselves to learning, earning, self re-liance, good citizenship and sharing our culture.
Excellence in all that we do, for the betterment of our members, our community and our nations.
The West Indian Social Club was started in 1990 by a group of 18 young men from Jamaica, who decided to continue one of our tradition, playing dominoes weekly. They played at various addresses until they found a central location at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brooks in Kansas City, Missouri which they named “Headquarters.” Mr. Brooks
The West Indian Social Club was started in 1990 by a group of 18 young men from Jamaica, who decided to continue one of our tradition, playing dominoes weekly. They played at various addresses until they found a central location at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brooks in Kansas City, Missouri which they named “Headquarters.” Mr. Brooks earned the title of Commissioner, and he was then asked to formulate and enforce the rules for domino playing. He also served as the club’s Sports Director. In May 1990, the domino players saw a need to take the club in a different direction, and invited females who were associated with the West Indies (Caribbean) by birth or marriage to a special meeting. From this meeting the West Indian Social Club emerged on an upward bound trend. Later that year 8 females joined the organization, and are still members. That increased the membership to 19 with Mr. Hugh Mcleary presiding as President and Mr. Ortega Johnson serving as our treasurer. The club was fully organized in 1993.
President - Evans McNiel Rogers
Vice President - Sharon Thomas - Jackson
Secretary - Tasha Morgan
Assist. Secretary - Judith
Treasurer - Etoy Morgan
Assist. Treasurer - Estelle Pengelley
Public Relations Officer - Sheron Thomas
Assistant Public Relations - Christina Rodgers